po_pic.gif [22.6 kb]   name1.gif [5 kb]
              Pierre Ouvrard Master Bookbindertitle.gif [2 kb]
  icon1.gif [1 kb] The man himself
  icon2.gif [1 kb] The bindings
  icon3.gif [1 kb] Governor General Awards
  icon4.gif [1 kb] Virtual Exhibit
  icon5.gif [1 kb] Interview
  icon7.gif [1 kb] Acknowledgements
  icon8.gif [1 kb] About Us
Virtual Exhibit

This is a virtual rendering of an exhibit held from May 15 - August 13, 2000, in the Bruce Peel Special Collections Library, University of Alberta. Exhibit items were selected to reflect the range of materials and complex forms which M. Ovrard's work encompasses. The exhibit also features four of the Governor General's Awards, generously lent by their authors to the library for the exhibition.

Use the mouse to scroll through the exhibit. Click on the books to go to their individual pages. To return, use the browser's "Back" button or the "Virtual Exhibit" link on the left. NOTE: if you do not have the Quick Time plug-in you will be asked if you wish to download it in order to view the Virtual Exhibit.

(exhibit.mov [1.5 MB])

University of Alberta Libraries Digital Collection
homeback.gif [3 kb]