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General description:

  • Effectively conveys ideas in writing within predictable contexts of everyday needs and experience - mostly through memorized oral language stock: familiar words, simple learned phrases, basic tenses and structures.
  • Can put together a number of statements about self, family or other highly familiar topics and relevant personal experiences (simple descriptions and narration of events, stories, future plans). Uses mostly one-clause sentences or coordinated clauses, "enriched" with modifiers (adjectives and adverbs). Learner's attempts to express creatively personal experiences or reflections beyond the means of the memorized repertoire usually result in errors (syntax, vocabulary, spelling) and lack of coherence and textual cohesion - writer has a small stock of devices to express her/his thoughts in English.
  • Can fill out simple application forms and bank slips.
  • Can take slow dictation with frequent repetitions.
  • Can write short messages: postcards, notes, directions.
  • Can copy information from dictionaries, encyclopedias, other materials.
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© Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, 1998
Email comments to Peter Wilson
Last updated: November 12, 1998
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