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General description:

  • Learner can write a coherent, well-developed paragraph on a topic that is familiar and relevant. Can join two or three paragraphs into a larger text but discourse structure beyond a paragraph often seems awkward in textual cohesion and logical coherence of information.
  • Writing, although clear in ideas to the reader, contains errors and stylistically rigid use of structures.
  • Structures are increasingly complex to reflect agents - event relations and logical relations of contrast, time, cause and reason, purpose and comment.
  • When allowing a more personal creative expression in writing, learner often uses compensatory strategies to express herself/himself more fully - "overelaboration," literal translation, false cognates, circumlocution.
  • Can write personal letters and simple routine business letters.
  • Can take notes from clearly delivered prerecorded phone messages.
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© Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, 1998
Email comments to Peter Wilson
Last updated: November 12, 1998
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