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Ellen Thumbnails

Scenes in Ellen's Story

red chair
white dress
blue coat
cream dress
red coat

about this project
Cries of London
Colouring Books
Activities Section
Ellen the Paper Doll
Cut-out paper Toys
Cut-out paper Toys

Popup Books
Theatre Section





Ellen makes her First Appearance in a White Frock, with a Book at her Feet. This little girl, whom now you see, To mind mamma will not agree, And though her face is fair and mild, You view a stubborn, naughty child, Nay, Ellen is so wayward grown, Her book upon the ground is thrown, And kind mamma, who loves so well, Can neither make her read or spell: With little sisters she will fight, And scratch and pinch - nay, sometimes bite, And then doth scream with noise so great, That people hear her at the gate. Mamma, at last, quite vexed to find That no advice will Ellen mind, Resolves to do whate'er she can, And still to try one little plan, Which, if it fails, she then will send Her far from home without a friend.

Ellen's Story | Interactive Ellen