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Ellen Thumbnails

Scenes in Ellen's Story

red chair
white dress
blue coat
cream dress
red coat

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Cries of London
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Ellen the Paper Doll
Cut-out paper Toys
Cut-out paper Toys

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red coat

Ellen dressed in a Red Cloak, with a Basket of Fruit in her hand. Quite alter'd now we Ellen find, Obliging, good, attentive, kind, The good old dame who nurs'd her well, Sent her with choicest fruit to sell; A carriage pass'd her on the road, At sight of which her cheeks they glow'd, Trembling she stood 'twixt hope and fear, While silent roll'd the burning tear; Mamma scream'd out, with rapture wild, She caught the features of her child; The door was open'd, out she sprung, And round her neck poor Ellen clung, Papa to kiss her would not deign, He sternly bade her stray again, Go try once more their hearts to break; These words with falt'ring voice he spake, For he her downcast look observ'd, Of grief for anger well deserv'd, Her humble penitence his love regains, And Ellen pardon soon obtains; Alternately she's now caress'd, By both fond parents truly blest.

Ellen's Story | Interactive Ellen