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Ellen Thumbnails

Scenes in Ellen's Story

red chair
white dress
blue coat
cream dress
red coat

about this project
Cries of London
Colouring Books
Activities Section
Ellen the Paper Doll
Cut-out paper Toys
Cut-out paper Toys

Popup Books
Theatre Section


Ellen appears in the Dress of a Gipsey Girl, sitting in a Wood. Now sadly alter'd Ellen's seen, What can this transformation mean? Wishing her poor old nurse to fret, One day she left her in a pet, And rambled far, till near a wood At length she hesitating stood; Her cloak it caught some gipsey's eyes, Who soon rush'd forth and seiz'd their prize: Poor Ellen scream'd with terror wild, No friend was near to save the child; To strip her soon they did begin, Then gave the rags you see her in. Vainly she weeps - she there must stay, And toil and stoop the live-long day In gathering sticks within the wood, With many blows, but little food. The nights were cold, without a bed, On which to rest her weary head; Poor Ellen sick and feeble grew, Her cheeks they lost their rosy hue; At last too ill her head to raise, Upon the cold damp ground she lays, And cruel gipseys, in a fright, Forsook her in this wretched plight. A neat old woman crossed the wood, To reach her cot that near it stood; Rescued the child, I'm glad to tell, Convey'd her home and nursed her well.

Ellen's Story | Interactive Ellen