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A Dirty Job

Day 1 - Dry day

  1. Fill the container with water from a nearby stream

  2. Place it somewhere where it will not be disturbed.

    * Wait for five minutes.

  3. Measure the amount of silt on the bottom of the container with your ruler in centimeters.

  4. Record your findings

    Date_______________Time_____________ Amount of silt before rain___________________

    Day 2 - A day after it has been raining - Same area in the stream

    1. Repeat Steps 1-4 from Day 1

    2. Record your findings

      Date ______________ Time_______________ Amount of silt after rain ___________________


    How did rain affect the amount of silt in the stream? What was the difference in amounts?



    What other things can cause different amounts of silt in streams?



    silty stream

    What happens if there is too much silt in a stream?



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