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 Adriana A. Davies, Ph.D.

Dr. Adriana Davies - Project Manager

Dr. Davies is the Executive Director of the newly established Heritage Community Foundation, a Trust with educational objects. She is working to develop a range of heritage educational materials and programs that link the public to its heritage, as well as helping to build sustaining support for heritage. Many of the activities of the Foundation are collaborative in nature.

A recent project with both promotional and educational objectives is the development of the gateway website to the Province of Alberta’s rich historical, natural and cultural heritage, Alberta Heritage Online (, received seed funding from the Canadian Millennium Partnership Program. She has worked in the museum field for more than 20 years, in England and Canada, and has done extensive material culture research. She researched and wrote one-third of a popular encyclopedia of antiques, as well as compiling two volumes of The Dictionary of British Portraiture for the National Portrait Gallery, London. Most recently, as a consultant on the Provincial Museum of Alberta millennium project: Jesus Through the Centuries, she researched, identified and arranged for loans from British collections. The virtual exhibit was sponsored by CHIN and is currently available on the web. She was the Science, Industry, Technology and Material Culture Editor of the Canadian Encyclopedia. She is a frequent guest lecturer and speaker in the area of cultural policy and museum development.



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last updated 10-01-2001

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