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The Climate and its Effects

In speaking of the climate of Western Canada, it must be said that the winters are somewhat cold, but are very clear, sunny, healthful and invigorating. The cold winter, followed by the fervid sunshine in the long summer days, produces that which has as yet been unequalled for milling purposes, No. 1 wheat. Growing days are estimated in periods of sunshine. Western Canada has a longer growing season than many of the southern countries, when comparing the hours of sunshine of each.

The air of the Prairie Provinces is, without exception, the most healthful and invigorating in the world. When cold in winter, it lacks that humid atmosphere so often found in warmer countries in cold weather. Thus the temperature may go much lower with less discomfiture to the inhabitants.

The Canadian west, in addition to raising the best grain grown in any part of the world, is also making the hardiest and best kind of citizens out of the cosmopolitan immigration coming to her for homes.

[next: Experimental Farms]

From Canadian Northern Railway brochure, 1912


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updated 09-02-01

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