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Demonstration and Experimental Farms
Their Purpose and Usefulness

The Canadian Government, with its progressive policy of providing scientific help to the farmers, has established model farms throughout the Canadian West. The object of these farms is to make experiments and tests that the average farmer could not afford to spend his time at, for the advancement of agriculture. Ascertaining the best kind of grain to use, the necessary cultivation of the land to obtain the most satisfactory results with any particular variety of seed. To promote sanitary conditions in the dairy departments on the farms, giving advice as to the most approved methods of treating mild, butter, etc., for market. They also carry on a large stock department, and furnish advice, information, and help to the farmers along these lines also.

Bulletins and booklets are gotten out periodically, showing the results obtained from their various experiments, and in this manner the farmers who do not happen to live in close proximity to a demonstration farm, can yet receive ample advice by obtaining copies of these reports.

Other departments are the fruit and forestry branches. Young trees are furnished the farmers upon request to the Demonstration Farm managers. Those securing trees in such a manner must, however, conform to certain trivial regulations. ALONG THE LINES OF THE CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY the Government has established a number of these farms, to take care of the requirements of the large number of new settlers coming into this section of the country.

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From Canadian Northern Railway brochure, 1912


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updated 09-02-01

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