Point Ellice Ghosts

by T. Whitbread

So... you want to hear some ghost stories? Experts (paranormal researchers) who have visited the site believe there are four reasons for the appearance of ghosts at Point Ellice:

Stories about the family

Found here is a brief synopsis of the stories already in print, as well as some updates to this material, covering a time period of 1960 to the present.

Carolyn O'Reilly.
date: 1960's

Two Austrailian women, travelling around the world, arrived in Victoria and started scouting out tourist spots. After wandering around the city, they found a pleasant spot to put their sleeping bags near the water on the grounds of Point Ellice House (at the time it was uninhabited).

They soon drifted off to sleep, only to be woken hours later by a woman's disapproving voice ordering them off the property. They jumped with a start and picked up their things to leave, but realized there was no-one there. They tried to get back to sleep, but could not; they felt waves of disapproval emanating from the house. One descendant of the family, Inez O'Reilly, believed this to be Caroline O'Reilly disapproving of the two women; their dress, their unseemly behaviour, and their conduct camping out-of-doors.

Kathleen O'Reilly
date: 1970's

A group of tourists arrived at the house, wanting a tour. Inez O'Reilly, being the only guide at the time, was busy working in the garden and asked the tourists to wait. One hour later, she realized she had forgotten about the tourists, and went to find them.

Inez found them leaving the house, saying they had a wonderful tour from a woman in a blue dress. Inez took them back into the house and showed them a blue dress which was laid out on the bed in Kathleen's room (one that belonged to Kathleen). They agreed that this was the dress the woman had worn.

Frank O'Reilly
date: 1980's

By this time, Point Ellice House had been converted to a tourist attraction and museum by the Provincial Government. A tour guide, closing up the house at the end of the day, went into Frank's room to turn off the light. When the door closed, she heard a high-pitched man's voice in the hallway. When she opened the door to investigate, there was no-one there. The guide felt she had witnessed an encounter with Frank's ghost.
It was also reported that a cleaner would not step foot inside the room.

date: 1995

During the Commonwealth Games in Victoria, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) was filming around Point Ellice House. According to curators, a ghost was captured on film in a news footage.

Point Ellice Bridge Disaster
date: ongoing

A red light is sometimes seen at night passing back and forth underneath the Point Ellice Bridge. However, the light has no source. It is believed to be the ghost of someone still searching for their lost relatives.

Point Ellice ghosts are vocal ghosts, and have a tendency to resemble the O'Reilly family. Many of these stories have already been published; others have occurred since the books went to print. This material is also recounted yearly as a tour through the house on Hallowe'en.

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Sponsored by: Industry Canada
Last updated: 16 August 1996
Produced by: Canada's Digital Collections Team
Content provided by: BC Heritage Properties, Province of British Columbia