Kid's Corner
Dress-up Doll Dresses Victorian Games O'Reilly Family External Links

Just For Kids!

illustration 1Hi Kids! Welcome to the Kids Corner of the Point Ellice House website. We have lots of things for you to explore. There are games to play and stories to read about Point Ellice House and the O'Reilly family. Use it for school projects or just for fun!

illustration 2For those of you with an interest in Victorian fashion, you will have a chance to see some photos of real Victorian dresses that Kathleen O'Reilly would have worn. After you have looked at the photos and read about the dresses, try the dressing doll activity. Here you can play with the dresses and see what they might have looked like on Kathleen.

illustration 4We also have a story about the O'Reilly family, in it you will discover what it was like to live in Victorian times. Find out why Kathleen lived at Point Ellice House her entire life and never married, how the O'Reilly family was part of shaping the city of Victoria, and what the servants thought of living at Point Ellice House. Did you know that Kathleen O'Reilly travelled for days and days by boat to meet Royalty in Ireland!

You will find all of these stories and more right here on our website! There are lots of photographs for you to look at and games to play. You may even use the information you find for school projects or reports. If you can't find the information you are looking for on the history of British Columbia on this website, we have also provided links to other websites that you might find useful.

illustration 5Explore the Point Ellice House website, read the gossip about the O'Reilly family and play with all of the games we have created for you.... and most of all have fun!

This digital collection was produced under contract to Canada's Digital Collections program, Industry Canada.
Content developed by: Digital Collections Team
Content provided by: BC Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia