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The O'Reilly Family Story

Page 1 - Introduction to an old house and its family

Peter O'Reilly at Point Ellice House, May, 1882. Photographed by a Maynard.

A long time ago, perhaps when your great, great, great grandma or grandpa was the same age as you, there was a new family living in a house in the charming tiny town of Victoria.

This was during the 1860's and 70's and the house was Point Ellice house that we can still visit today by walking through it, or by looking at this web page. Today, the house is not new at all, but one of the very oldest houses in one of the busiest and noisiest areas of what is now the big town of Victoria.

Looking at the faded home today with its sloping walls and old wood smell, it is hard to imagine a little girl called "Kathleen" playing marbles with her brothers. Come inside her world…

Page 2 >>

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