Object Catalogue Search Help

This search will look for objects as specified by your query. You can search for a specific object, or a group of objects, depending on how many fields you fill in. The more fields you fill in, the more specific the search will be.

For example:
If you wanted to find all the porcelain figurines that are in Kathleen's bedroom, then you would fill in the search fields with that information.

To do this, you would hold the mouse down over the 'Object Name' field and scroll down until 'FIGURINE' was selected, and do the same for 'Room or Person' until 'Kathleen's Bedroom' was selected.

Object Name:
Room or Person:
Then you click on the 'Submit Query' button and a listing of all the figurines in Kathleen's room will be displayed, along with any pictures that are available.

For more information and a listing of the categories, see a listing of Categories and Sub-categories.

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Produced under contract to: Industry Canada
Last Updated: 25 October 1996
Produced by:Canada's Digital Collections Team
Content Provided by: B.C.Heritage Properties, Province of British Columbia