About the Searches

By Room or Person

This search allows you to see a listing of all the objects that are in a particular room, or that are associated with one of the O'Reillys. You can also search for a particular object within the room.

By Object Catalogue

This is the most general search available. Here, you can do a search for a specific object, or search a general category or sub-category of object types. You can also specify a person or room that the object belonged to or was in. The more fields that are filled in, the more specific the search.

By Accession Number

This is the most specific of the searches. By entering the last four digits of the object's Accession number, the search will bring up that object only. This is useful for going back to an object's information when you have found it before using a general search and have noted the accession number.
For more information, see About Accession Numbers on the Accession Search Page.

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Produced under contract to: Industry Canada
Last Updated: 25 October 1996
Produced by:Canada's Digital Collections Team
Content Provided by: B.C.Heritage Properties, Province of British Columbia