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Ice Cream

Make a custard with 6 Eggs, 2 Dessert spoonful arrowroot 2 qt. of milk sweeten and flavour let it cool then add one qt. of sweetened cream. put into the freezer surrounded with broken ice and coarse salt, turn until the mixture is sufficiently frozen then take out the agitator.. if a patent freezer is not used take off the cover of the freezer very carefully and scrape down the cream from the sides of the freezer, colour pink with prepared cochineal Tincture(raspberries).


1 pint milk, 1/2 oz isinglass 2 oz white sugar vanilla & a little lemon peel boil. Place 6 sponge fingers & 1 oz ratafias in a mould take ? out of the milk & pour over the cakes. When quite cold, turn out & pour custard over it -

Darioles a la Duchesse

- Thoroughly mix 4 oz flour with a whole egg add the yolks of 3 - 1 oz powdered sugar. 4 crushed Macaroons, & another whole egg. These should be added to each other singly & when well mixed stir in teacup of cream, vanilla essence a pinch of angelica minced very small & a little mixed reserved fruit. Pour into buttered dariole moulds & bake in a quick oven -Beat 1/2 lb butter to a cream, add 1/2 lb white sugar, 1/2 lb flour, 1/2 lb chopped raisins, juice of a lemon, some candied peel cut very fine mix well together. Beat 6 eggs yolks, & whites separately mix together just in M. boil 3 1/2 hours - Serve with wine sauce -a teaspoonful potato flour & gill Sherry, beat up another gill S. with the yolks of 4 eggs, mix the two together, add powdered loaf sugar, powdered cinnamon, grated lemon peel to taste, & a third gill of S. Put all into a saucepan & stir till it thickens when it is ready -


Take 3 oranges - cut off the rind thin & put in pan with 1/2 pint of water & some white sugar boil for a few moment to make a syrup Peel all the skin from the oranges. divide them into pegs. put them round a shape of rice milk & pour the syrup over it. Take served cold _


Dissolve 1/2 a box of Gelatine in 1/2 a pint of cold water. Have ready a quart of milk boiling, set in a kettle of boiling water; add to the milk three heaped table spoonfuls of sugar. Beat the yolks of 4 eggs & mix with the gelatin, beat the two well together, & pour with milk, keep it on the fire till it becomes like a good rich custard. Remove from the fire, & stir with it the whites of the 4 eggs beaten & froth, continue the stirring till the white of the egg begins to look cooked -- Flavour the mixture, & turn into a mould.

N.B. Make it the day before you require to use it.