Soups, Sauces, and Spreads

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Oyster Soup

Take 1 lb of mutton or veal a slice of carrot turnip a little celery & one small onion place in 3 pints of water & stew 1 1/4 hr - then strain it & remove the fat. have 2 dozen oysters (cooking)

beard them reserving 1 1/2 dozen with the liquor until just before serving the soup. Take the stock add to it the remaining oysters & the beards & one anchovy[?] put in it 3 Jerusalem artichokes simmer 1/4 hr strain it and pass the artichokes through a [?] sieve, place on the fire & let it boil up thicken with a little milk & flour, pepper & salt to taste, throw in the oysters & liquor a small piece of butter, & stir in quickly the yolk of an egg a good tablespoonful of cream should be added to it when poured in the tureens -stock for this soup should always be fresh made.

*Sippets of Brown bread fried in butter & sprinkled with lemon juice are good for oyster soup.

Clair Soup

(for 10 or 12) Pass through the machine 4 or 5 lb of lean of Beef and then mix it up well with 4 whites of eggs and the shells (if there are clean) then add the stock (cold) to it well mixed up then stir it until it Boils then slice up one carrot, turnip, leek and a little celery let it boil slow for about 4 hours, add a fowl partly roasted, then strain it through a clean napkin well washed in hot water. Take the little fat that might be out before straining.


5 Qt. cold water 4 lb knuckle veal 4 lb. shin beef 4 calves feet or 2 cows heels Stew quietly till liquor reduced to 5 Pints no salt of flavouring. the boiling of any unsalted meat can be used instead of cold water. When the stock is cold remove fat & sediment give it a boil & pour into a fresh pan

flavour some of the above delicately with onion, parsley, bay leaf, lemon peel & thyme, button mushrooms, white peppercorns, & salt. Take equal parts of this & new milk & thicken slightly with arrowroot just before serving stir in the yolk of 1 egg beaten up with a little cold milk or stock

Beef tea

Cut up 1 lb meat into tiny pieces, put in basin with 1/2 pint cold water & let stand for an hour - then over the basin with a plate & set in a larger vessel with water to surround it. Cook in a moderate oven for 2 hours -the water may boil but not the beef tea When ready, strain off through a coarse strainer add a little salt & pepper -remove all fat.


Salad Dressing

2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons flour
1/2 cup vinegar
2 yolks eggs
1 c. milk
2 teaspoons salt
2 " sugar
2 " mustard
1/2 " pepper
a little curry powder

Melt the butter cook the flour in it stirring constantly add the vinegar and set to cool. Make a custard of the eggs & milk and when thick, remove & cool. Mix the seasoning and then mix all three together.


Boil as many eggs hard as required. cut them into four pieces & put in the following sauce. Chop two onions very fine & put into a saucepan with a small pat of butter let them simmer until nearly done. Then put a spoonful of flour & as much milk as will make it the thickness of cream. Then add a small pinch of salt mace nutmeg & cayenne stir altogether until boiling then throw in the eggs a few minutes before serving.

Tartar Sauce

Put yolks 4 Eggs into a basin with salt mustard to taste & stir in olive oil one tablespoonful at a time after each T. spoonful put in 1 Teaspoonful of T. vinegar - Keep on doing this till it is the desired consistency then add pepper and bit of cayenne, a couple of shallots, pickled onions & gherkins chopped very fine or capers.

White sauces

Melt 1 oz butter, & add a dessert scoop of Flour, with salt & white. pepper, stir on fire 2 min, then add a little more than a tumbler full of boiling water stir well a few min. but do not let boil. When serving, stir into the sauce, off the fire, the yolk of an egg beaten up with the juice of 1/4 lemon & strained -

Take two parts butter & one flour, mix thoroughly in a pan over the fire & enough veal stock to get a proper consistency & a few button mushrooms cut in two - let boil 10 min: stir in off the fire, yolks 2 eggs, beaten up with the juice of a 1/2 lemon.

Hard Sauce

4 tbsp. of Sugar 2 of Butter rub together till quite white & smooth - then add the beaten white of 1 Egg. & flavour with anything you like.

Butter Sauce for Puddings

4 Tablespoonfuls of crushed white Sugar 2 Tablespoonfuls of Butter, rub together until very white & smooth; add the beaten white of an egg & any flavoring, rub till you can see no more sugar in the mass.


Grate a quantity of horseradish, boil it in sufficient water to give the consistency of sauce, add a pinch of salt & 2 or 3 tablespoonfuls of Tarragon vinegar, then stir in off the fire a gill of cream beaten up with the yolk of an egg -

Sauce Hollandaise

Put in a bowl 1/4 lb fresh butter, the yolks of 3 fresh eggs, a little salt & a spoonful of vinegar. Place the bowl in a basic Marie & let the mixture get warm stirring it all the time till it thickens & becomes the proper consistency just before serving add a little lemon juice.

Mayonnaise Sauce

Carefully strain the yolks of 4 eggs into a basin, place in a cool place (or on ice) then proceed to pour in a few drops at a time, some very good salad oil without ceasing to stir the mixture. When one tablespoonful of oil is well incorporated with the yolks, put in, in the same manner, one teaspoonful of French white or Tarragon, vinegar.

Keep on adding oil & vinegar in these proportions until the sauce is the consistency of very thick cream, add salt & white pepper to taste, mix well & the sauce is made.


Take equal quantities of rice & fish flaked & free from bone or skin. mix with butter rather less than half the weight of the fish, a good dust of cayenne, & salt to taste. Stir over a clear fire till very hot then mix in a couple of lightly beaten eggs, & serve when they are set - The K. must not boil after the eggs go in -prawns are very good for this dish or any fish -

Bread Sauce

One cup and a half of milk, one onion peeled & shred 4 blades of mace, put on the fire to simmer until the milk is well flavoured. Strain over a slice of bread add spoonful of butter cayenne pepper to taste, salt beat thoroughly, boil up once and serve.


Green butter

Six anchovies (Gorgona) two ounces fresh butter 1/2 an once Parsley picked off stalks. Wash bone and rub anchovies through a wire sieve. Mix anchovies with the butter pour boiling water on the parsley. Strain and squeeze it dry in a cloth. Chop very fine. When cold mix with anchovy and butter and make into little pats. Serve with American (crisp thin toast).


Pound one sardine, & two anchovies till smooth, add a little finely minced parsley & a grain of cayenne, mix on a plate with 2 oz butter - shape into a pat or roll - set them on ice till wanted, then serve on crisp dry toast.

Pound a sardine or two with a little cheese, pepper, salt, & a little chill) vinegar till of the appearance & taste of dressed crab - then stir in some lightly chopped oysters, & serve in tiny cases of fried bread, garnished with hard boiled yolk of egg pressed through a sieve, & finely chopped parsley.


1 oz butter, 1 oz cheese, the yolks of 2 eggs, & 1 tablespoonful of milk or cream.

Melt the butter, cut the cheese in very thin slices & put it in, beat up the yolks, add the cream, & put into the butter. stir till it is the thickness you require to spread on the toast.

Scotch Woodcock

2 slices freshly toasted bread butter both sides - wash well, & scrape 4 or 5 anchovies, chop fine, & put between the toast. cut thro' with sharp knife: Take yolks of 2 eggs well beaten, 1/4 Pint milk or cream set over fire to thicken, not boil. Keep stirred - & pour this custard over the toast & serve as hot as possible -Prawns fresh, boiled, or pounded with butter may be used instead of anchovies -