O'Reilly Roses


The O'Reilly Roses

(All roses on the O'Reilly Rose list of 1889 except those noted above with a "?" are listed, dated and described in the Old Rose Advisor by Brent Dickerson, published in 1992 in Portland, Oregon.) O"REILLY ROSE LIST 1889 BCARS' O'REILLY FAMILY A/E OR3, OR 319 porch.

A.Q. Marie Immacule/apricot yellow Antoine Quihou?
Bernard Verlot Bride, the
Catherine Mermet Claire Carnot
Comtesse de Barbante Comtesse de Frignesuse
Coquette de Lyon Cornelia Cook
Duchesse de Brabant Duke of Connaught
Empress Alexandra of Russia or Empereur
Nicholas 11 Empress of India
General Jacquimenot Gloire de Dijon
Gloire de Magothern? dead Gloire de Margothe?
Her Majesty Houer
Isabella Sprunt Jean Liabaud
La France La Nankeen
Mad ur Rachel? Magna Charta
Marie Von Houtte Meteor dead
Michael Saunders Mlle Claudine Perreau
Mme Agathe Nabonnand Mme Caroline Kuster
Mme Etienne Levet Mme Falcot
Mme Honors Defresne Mme Scipion Cochet
Mme Welche Niphetos
Niphetos dead Papa Gontier
Perle des Jardins Perle des Jardins
Prince Camille de Rohan Queen Eleanour
Red Malmaison Souvenir d'un Ami
Sunset/Yellow like 'Saphro'
Ulrich Brunner fils Viscountess Falmouth

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Last updated: 26 August 1996
Produced by: Canada's Digital Collections Team
Content provided by: BC Heritage Properties, Province of British Columbia