House Boy:
Oh - it's just the maid. When nobody's home, she thinks she's an O'Reilly! Was it you that rang the bell?

Maid: Well yes house boy. I just wanted to keep you hopping! After you return to China, it won't be half as much fun around here! Besides, you know there's not a person in the house.

House Boy: Yes, well, that's as may be. But now, this room belongs to son. Mr. Jack O'Reilly. It's a simple room to care for. Keep boots clean, and plenty of kerosene in the brass heater at the foot of the bed, especially on cold winter nights. Customs here are strange. Canadian's live in this northern country, and they all seem afraid of the cold!

Maid: The O'Reillys are just used to a little comfort. That little heater will keep the whole area warm all night. I could certainly use one of them upstairs in my tiny attic sleeping room. Oh - you must be the new house servant. I'm the maid. Most days, and some nights if one of the O'Reillys takes a chill or catches a fever, you'll find me here abouts. I do most of the cleaning in the fancy rooms. We servants are sort of a second family living under the Point Ellice roof.

Inside here you'll see a dressing table on the right with a trophy on the top. Once a month, take it to the pantry for a right good polishing! Young Master O'Reilly is terribly proud of it. He won it playing croquet. Provincial champion three years going, you know! Why just today, he's boated up to Craig Flower farm for a practice match.

House Boy: In the bedrooms, the maid makes the beds and sets out linens. You don't concern yourself unless asked by an O'Reilly. Always do your work quickly and quietly.

Come along now. I must show you the rest of the house. Just around the corner to the right is the bathroom. Look in.

To Pantry To Bathroom

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Sponsored by: Industry Canada
Last Updated: 26 August, 1996
Produced by:Canada's Digital Collections Team
Content Provided by: B.C. Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia