
Canadian Photo-Based Art


Gallery TPW Digital Archive

Gallery TPW is a leading non-profit centre for contemporary Canadian photo-based art, located in downtown Toronto.

For over 20 years, TPW has supported the presentation and critical investigation of contemporary photography and photo-based art. Programming includes the presentation of exhibitions, the circulation of national touring exhibitions and invited exhibition and exchange projects with international artists. TPW supports further dissemination and discourse through regular publications, public events and its website.

The Gallery TPW Digital Archive is a searchable database containing over 600 images, representing over 200 exhibitions and related programming since 1977. In addition to exhibition details and documentation, full critical essays and video documentation are provided where possible.

An invaluable resource, this archive highlights TPW's engagement with photo-based imaging, fostering critical dialogue on the diverse and vital role that photo-based images play in contemporary culture.

This digital collection was produced with financial assistance from Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada