SchoolNet Leaf


This web site is sponsored by SchoolNet Digital Collections, Industry Canada. The Placentia Area Historical Society and The Placentia Public Library are partners in developing this site. The mandate of the Placentia Area Historical Society is to preserve the history of this area. The history of Placentia is significant to the history of the development of the New World. For many years members of the Society have collected documents pertaining to the history of Placentia and "Placentia - The Early Years" is a product of this collection. The Placentia Public Library share some of the goals of the Historical Society in preserving history. The Placentia Public Library is an Industry Canada Community Access Site.

"Placentia - the Early Years" is a digital directory on some aspects of the first three-hundred years of history of Placentia up to the early 1800's. The homepage contains of documents on the Natives, the Portuguese, the Basque, the French, the English and the Irish. The history of the Church, the Courts, Census, Historical Figures, Charts, Structures, Archaeology, Forts and other relevant information are available in this digital directory. A brief history of the local communities from Ship Harbour to the Cape Shore, as well as, a brief history of the Resettlement Program are also accessilbe.

The homepage will be available in the Reference Section of the Placentia Public Library as well as the Internet.


This Digital Collection was produced under contract to the SchoolNet Digital Collections program, Industry Canada.

The historical information on this homepage is based on research provided by Parks Canada. Many of the graphics and slides are from Castle Hill National Historic Site, Jerseyside, Placentia, Newfoundland.

The documents in the homepage are primarily from the following sources. The Placentia Area Historical Society has permission to use material from::

Castle Hill National Historic Site - Jean- Pierre Proulx. The Military History of Placentia: A study of the French Fortifications Placentia: 1713 - 1811

Parks Canada, Robert Le Blant. Translated May 1968, "The Basque Revolt 1690"

Parks Canada, Archaeological Information, Castle Hill Historic Site

Parks Canada, R. R. Rostecki, "Early Court Houses Newfoundland 1983 pg.21-37

Horizon Canada. A publication by the Centre for the Study of Teaching Canada, Inc, a non- profit organization is devoted to promoting and publishing research on Canada by Education Tower, Laval University, Quebec, Canada G1K 7P4

Horizon Canada Chronologies used as supporting documents on the site:

The Struggle for Newfoundland 1696 by Jean-Pierre Proulx

The Fishing Station by Shannon Ryan

The Outport Breakup by Ralph Matthews

McCarthy, Michael, "A History of Plaissance and Placentia 1501-1970" and "The French colony at Placentia", Lecture delivered to the Newfoundland Historical Society.

Mannion, Dr. John J., "Irish Settlement in Eastern Canada", 1974. "Society and Settlement in a Newfoundland Harbour: Plaisance/Placentia 1673-1725", "Irish Merchants Abroad: The Newfoundland Experience 1750-1850".

Censuses of Canada, 1668 to 1871, Vol. IV.

The following materials are Copyrighted and used with permission. Material contained in these documents cannot be copied without permission from the copyright holders of these publications.

Encyclopedia of Newfoundland and Labrador -

Marshall, Ingeborg, "A History and Ethnography of the Beothuk".

Matthews, Dr. Keith, "Lectures on the History of Newfoundland 1500-1830", Portions of Lectures: XV, XVI, XXII 1988 Breakwater Books



1. Cape Shore Development Association, "Our Cultural Heritage - A Short History of the Cape Shore Area".

2. Encyclopedia of Newfoundland & Labrador (

3. Flynn, T., Right Rev. Monsignor, B.A. 1940 "The Parish of Placentia"

4. Handcock, W. Gordon, "The West Country Migrations To Newfoundland", Reprinted from Bulletin of Canadian Studies, Vol. 5, No. 1 (April, 1981).

5. Howley, James P.,"The Beothucks or Red Indians", 1915

6. Howley Rev. M.F "The Old Basque Tombstones of Placentia, Newfoundland." The Newfoundland Quarterly :: The Newfoundland Quarterly Online (under construction) "The Old Royal Coat of Arms at Placentia"

7. Hugolin, R.P. "The Establishment of the Recollets of the Province of Saint-Denis at Plaisance in the Island of Newfoundland 1689" Quebec, 1911

8. Lahey, R.J., "Church Affairs During the French Settlement at Placentia A link to entire text is

9. LeMessieur, H.W. "Old Time Newfoundland", 1910.

10. Marshall, Ingeborg, "A History and Ethnography of the Beothuk".

11. Marshall, Ingeborg, Horizons Canada, The Centre for the Study of Teaching Canada, pages 326, 331.

12. Matthews, Dr. Keith, "Lectures on the History of Newfoundland 1500-1830", Portions of Lectures: XV, XVI, XXII 1988 Breakwater Books

13. Rollmann, Hans, "PRINCE WILLIAM HENRY IN PLACENTIA". Department of Religious Studies Memorial University of Newfoundland "Prince William Henry in Placentia" A link to entire text is

14. Treaties: Treaty of Utrecht, Article XIII , The Treaty of Paris, The Treaty of Verisalles, The Peace of Ryswick.

15. Williams, Allen F., "Father Baudoin's War, D'Iberville's Campaigns in Acadia and Newfoundland 1696, 1697", Appendix II, pages 157-168.


Photographs of the area provided by Innovative Photography, D. Pomroy, P. O. Box 9, Jerseyside, Placentia Bay, NF AOB 2GO Phone (709)227-5607

Painting "To Greener Pastures" used with permission of the Artist Ted Stuckless, Twillingate, NF Phone # 709-884-5239

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