The Gaillardin Redoubt and the Battery on the South Gut: 1692

La Gaillardin The construction of Fort Louis and the military threat led to the building of another defence work. On September 17, 1692, at the time of the English attack, Brouillan had a redoubt, made of pickets without any cannons, built on-,t he top of Gaillardin mountain. The next day, he had a battery of four cannons set up on the point of the gut on the side opposite the fort "tant pour la randre impracticable aux Ennemis que pour la deffance des Cables qui la traverse." So, at the end of 1692 Placentia had three fortifications: Fort Louis (or parade-ground) on the little beach, the battery on the Great Beach, and the Gaillardin redoubt. At that time there was a garrison of about 40 men.

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Proulx, Jean-Pierre, "The Military History of Placentia" page 36