Bellot dit Lafontaine

Bellot dit Lafontaine replaced Du Perron as governor in 1663. Far from working to strengthen the colony, the new governor contributed rather to weaken it by his negligence and the abuse of his power. In spite of this, he enjoyed the support of his mother country. In 1666, the King agreed to take any new settlers under his protection so that they would settle more permanently in the colony; this undertaking was for one year and then for three years. The king also attempted to entice English subjects settled in Newfoundland to come under the protection of France. Finally, he offered all shipowners subsidies of 5 francs per man and 3 francs per women for those whom they brought to Placentia. In spite of this support Bellot dit Lafontaine made little or no progress in developing the colony, and Louis XIV, not being satisfied with his performance, recalled him on December 8, 1666.

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Proulx, Jean-Piere, The Military History of Placentia: A Study of French Fortifications, pg. 14