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• Brief History of Plast

• Plast in Canada
- Hamilton
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- Montreal
- Toronto
- Ottawa

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Plast in Ottawa, Ontario

     The Plast group in Ottawa was established in 1949 by recent Ukrainian immigrants from Europe. This group remained active until 1954 when many of the active members and instructors moved away from Ottawa. In 1959 the Plast group was reactivated after the arrival of new Plast members to Ottawa and the devoted organizational work of the instructors. The major problem during these early years was the lack of facilities for Plast meetings and activities. These meetings were held in both Ukrainian churches. However in 1963 both churches were in the process of expansion and sold their buildings to acquire new ones leaving Plast without any facilities. Meetings were then held in the rooms of a hotel for the next ten years which were donated by the Ukrainian owner. Plast organized social evenings with readings and lectures on Ukrainian history, culture and literature. Plastpriat was very active in organizing these social and cultural events which continued on a regular basis until 1968. Plast was also instrumental in organizing Ukrainoznavstvo courses which began in 1960. Among the various fundraising activities was Christmas carolling which has remained a annual Plast activity.


     Plast members attended annual Plast camps in Grafton and also in Baturyn in Quebec. Members participated in Plast Camps held in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba and the Maritime Provinces. Other outdoor activities were held at the camp administered by the St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church. 


     A notable event for the Ottawa Branch was the Plast demonstration held in the summer of 1967 before the Parliament Buildings when Prime Minister Lester Pearson spoke to Plast members and also other Ukrainian youth organizations. Plast members also took part in the numerous protest demonstrations held in front of the Soviet Embassy and on Parliament Hill.


     In the mid-1990’s, the Ottawa Branch experienced record growth, with nearly 80 members. As its millennium project, Plast Ottawa is organizing a national jamboree camp in August 2000 at Awakamenj Mino, a Scouts du Canada facility near Low, Quebec.

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