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• Brief History of Plast

• Plast in Canada
- Hamilton
- Edmonton
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• Plast in the United States

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Plast in the United States
     The United States received the largest number of Plast members from the D.P. Camps in Europe.

    In 1949, the first Branch was established in Detroit and the first Plast building was purchased in 1951. The Detroit Branch became the first hub of the Plast movement in the United States, later ceding the title to New York.

    In 1951 there were 1,617 members. The first national conference was held in New York in 1951. The national executive was elected and headquartered in Detroit but in 1953, the headquarters were moved to New York where they remain to this day. Further Plast Branches were established in New York, Philadelphia and Chicago.

    After 1952 several Plast Camps were established - Vovcha Tropa (East Chatham, NY), Bobrivka (Connecticut), Novyi Sokil (Buffalo, NY) and Pysanyi Kamin (Ohio). Camps were also established for special interest groups - sports, skiing and sailing. In 1962, Plast held the first Orlykiada – a heritage knowledge and creative arts competition. A major role in the movement is played by the Plastpriat. In 1969 there were over 4,000 members in the Plast movement.


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