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• Brief History of Plast

• Plast in Canada
- Hamilton
- Edmonton
- Montreal
- Toronto
- Ottawa

• Plast in the United States

• Plast in Australia

• Plast in other countries

• Interviews

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Plast in Australia

     After the Second World War, Australia also received a large number of Ukrainian refugees from the D.P. camps in western Europe. The first Plast Branches were established in Adelaide, Melbourne and Sidney  in 1951.  In 1960, Branches were established in Brisbane and Canberra. The first meetings were held in churches. In Australia, the Ukrainian Plast members encountered a different climate, vegetation and geography. Also, there were no pre-Second World War Ukrainian communities and this new immigration had to depend entirely on their own resources to establish their community life and activities. Most Camps were held over the Christmas holidays and the New Year was usually welcomed during these Camps. National Anniversary Camps are held every five years and the first was held in 1957/58 with 220 members attending.
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