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The John and Molly Pollock Holocaust Collection Housed at the Learning & Resource Centres, Progress Campus, Centennial College
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Selected Materials
  The Holocaust
Before the War
The Black Book
Der Giftpilz

The Hitler Terror
Hail Hitler

Holocaust Experiences
Holocaust & Art
Historical Events
The Black Book

"The German fascists plotted the destruction of the Jews an integral part of their program to enslave the world. From the very outset of their bloody adventure, the Nazis schemed to tear up the roots of German and world Jewry. They began with antisemitic street demonstrations; they proceeded to smash the economic and cultural bases of modern Jewish existence, and they rapidly moved to the planned conclusion of their conspiracy - mass murder! Every Nazi thought and deed led inexorably to the gas chambers of Treblinka.

  Table of anti-Jewish legislation in Germany 1933-1943
> Click to enlarge
"Antisemitism in Nazi Germany cannot be understood merely as a spontaneous expression of a people gone mad. Nobody will deny that it was preached and practiced with pathological frenzy. The civilized world has witnessed with horror the maniacal fury which gripped unreasoning millions. But the real horror lies in the cold-blooded deliberation with which the fascists set out to murder their victims. This warfare against the Jews was a calculated strategy, a carefully organized plan worked out in minute detail by the Nazis. It was not an incidental feature of German Fascism. It was a basic element of Nazi dynamics."

In 1946, the same year that the world tried the Nazis for their war crimes at Nuremberg, the Jewish Black Book Committee - an assembly of members of several Jewish organizations - published the aptly named Black Book. It laid out, as a prosecutor would, 500 pages of evidence against the Nazis, proving them responsible for the Holocaust. The book showed the Holocaust to have been planned down to the smallest details - from the laws that clamped ever more tightly on the throats of Europe's Jews to the calculation of the precise number of calories it would take to starve a person slowly.

"When we speak of Hitler's ‘War against the Jews,' we are using a figure of speech," the authors set out in their ‘Indictment.' "It was a war against unarmed men, against women and children, carried on by an army of many millions of highly expert soldiers using all the destructive techniques of modern military science known at the time. That is not war. That is murder."

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Holocaust Collection, Learning & Resource Centres.      Tel: 416.289.5000 x2078      Fax: 416.289.5228      Email: Pollock@centennialcollege.ca