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In an area rich with history, many local artisans depict their heritage through their art. One such person was Maud Lewis.

Maud Lewis next to her highly decorated home, selling her work.

Maud was born in South Ohio, Nova Scotia in 1903. In her thirties she married a fish-peddler named Everett Lewis and moved to Marshalltown, located just outside of Digby. The couple lived in a small shack which Maud painted over the course of several years. Not one part of the house remained untouched by her art. The stove, stairs, window pains, and floor boards were all covered in her work.


Despite a crippling affliction in her hands, Maud Lewis continued to practice her art. Her skill was natural and untutored. She ignored the physical discomfitures of her life and reflected a certain joie-de-vivre in each of her paintings. A courageous woman, Maud Lewis is not merely a Nova Scot ian folk artist but a local hero.

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