Sir Jeffery Amherst (1717-1797)

Artist: Reynolds, Joshua (1723-1792)
Engraver: Watson, James (ca. 1740-1790)

Medium: mezzotint (fifth state)
Dimensions: 55.6 x 40.4 cm (sheet)

W.H. Coverdale Collection of Canadiana

During the Seven Years' War, Jeffery Amherst (1717-1797) was commander-in-chief of the British forces in North America. After recapturing Louisbourg on Cape Breton from the French in 1758, he lead the successful assault on Montreal in 1760, an event which marked the end of French rule in North America. Amherst returned to England in 1763, and later died at "Montreal" his country seat in Kent.

In this portrait commemorating his victory, Amherst is dressed in ceremonial armour and wears the Order of Bath which he received in 1761. Before him is a map of Montreal and in the background, army boats descend the St. Lawrence on thir way to attack the city. The painting after which this print is copied is ow at Amherst College in Massachusetts.

National Archives of Canada, negative no. C-040905