Ann (Nancy) Johnson (Mrs. Christian Daniel Claus), ca. 1770
Artist: Unknown 242
Medium: brown was on ivory
Dimensions: 3.6 * 2.9 cm (support, sight, oval)

Ann Johnson (1740-1801), who was known as Nancy, was the daughter of Sir William Johnson and Catherine Weissemberg, a runaway indentured servant whom Sir William had taken in. Nancy grew up near Albany, New York, in a prosperous household, enlivened by her father's dealings with native leaders and by his many business ventures. In 1762, she married Christian Daniel Claus who served in the Indian Department, and later escaped to Canada with her family during the American Revolution. This portrait and those of Sir William Johnson and Christian Daniel Claus (Cat. nos. 11,15) were acquired by the NA from a descendant of the Claus family.

National Archives of Canada, negative no. C-083498