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The cedar tree was very important in the lives of most West Coast First Nations groups. Click on the boxes below to learn about some of the more common uses of parts of the cedar. 

things made from cedar woodCedar Tree
things made from cedar rootscedar treethings made from cedar bark and pitch


bentwood boxes
bentwood box

The Wood

The wood of the cedar was used for: planks, houses, house posts, totem poles, talking sticks, masks, tools, drums, canoes, bent boxes and cradles.                                              


The Roots

Roots were used to make cooking baskets, clam baskets and berry picking baskets, although these items are rarely made today.

cedar neckring
cedar neckring

Bark and Pitch

The bark was woven into neckrings, baskets, mats and clothes as well as rope, dip nets and halibut line.



Raven with Cedar
Potlatch Then and Now