Powell Stores

Powell Stores

Across the street is the former Powell Stores building. In 1912, Sam Sing, the first land merchant in the Powell River area, built his store in what would become known as the Sing Lee Block. His new general store was the cornerstone for the block, along with the Star Restaurant, which he also established. He rented out the balance of the block to the Wilshire and Lant clothing store, the Pool Room, the Tailor Shop, and the first Local 76 headquarters.

The Powell River Company viewed Sing Lee as their competition, and bought him out in 1923, renaming the building the Brooklon Block after the company founders, Brooks and Scanlon.

In 1940 the Brooklon Block was torn down to make way for the new, modern Powell Stores, designed by noted architect Charles Van Norman. The building was sold to the Hudson's Bay Company when the Townsite was sold to the Corporation of the District of Powell River in 1955.

Heritage Button
Townsite Heritage Society