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Inside the Human Body - The Respiratory System


Please don’t smoke. This is the best way to make both your heart and your lungs very sick. Smoke causes your blood vessels to become plugged. It stops the lungs from cleaning out the dirt in the air. Smoke also contains carbon monoxide. This poisonous gas likes to take all the seats on the bus, which should be carrying oxygen. Remember – no oxygen means no energy.

I eat food that is good for me. Fries and ice cream are yummy and OK to eat once in a while, but we need to eat foods that won’t clog our blood vessels. Give your heart a treat. It really likes fruits and vegetables.

Your heart and lungs work better with practice. So keep exercising. Swimming, running, playing games and helping around the house are all fun things to do and good for you.


Canada's Digital Collections Watermark This digital collection was produced under contract to Canada's Digital Collections program, Industry Canada. The web site was produced by a youth team at the Saskatchewan Lung Association.