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Inside the Human Body - The Respiratory System

Air Pollution

Second-Hand Smoke

You probably know that smoking is bad for you, but do you know that you can get sick from other people smoking? It's true! The smoke from cigarettes, pipes and cigars contains harmful chemicals. It even contains some chemicals that are known to cause cancer!

Do you have asthma, allergies, or ear infections? They can all get much worse if you are exposed to smoke! Children who have smoking parents are much more likely to be sick than children of non-smoking parents. It's not fair, is it? If someone else is smoking and it bothers you, you should tell them that you don't like it. If they still don't stop, then you should try to go somewhere else until they're done smoking. The smoke from cigarettes is very bad for you; you should avoid it whenever you can!

Canada's Digital Collections Watermark This digital collection was produced under contract to Canada's Digital Collections program, Industry Canada. The web site was produced by a youth team at the Saskatchewan Lung Association.