Founded in 1971 as a result of a paddler who was unable to obtain information on a canoe trip being planned to La Ronge in Northern Saskatchewan, the Canadian Recreational Canoeing Association (CRCA) has dramatically increased the availability of information to paddlers worldwide on how to experience Canada's waterways. From its early, meagre beginnings, the CRCA has become known across Canada for the services provided to canoeists, kayakers and sea kayakers.

KANAWA Magzine: A colour magazine that concentrates on paddling destinations in Canada, environmental issues, current events, heritage features and restorations. Canada's only magazine on paddling is also printed on acid free paper. Subscriptions are $20/year (+7% GST) in Canada, and $20 U.S. for United States and overseas readers (4 issues/year). 'KANAWA" is trilingual for canoe.

Nikon Canadian Canoe Photography Contest: Each year (May 1- Sept. 25) Nikon Canada and the CRCA operate a national photographic competition including a Heritage Rivers category. Winning photographs in the Heritage Rivers category will be considered for the 1997 edition of the Canadian Heritage Rivers System Calendar. Contact the CRCA for entry guidelines.

Liability Insurance/Canoe Courses: For sanctioned canoeing and kayaking events operated by instructors, volunteers or canoe clubs, the CRCA offers liability insurance to members of the Association. Instructor level and basic canoe courses are also offered.

Scholarship Fund: The Bill Mason Memorial Scholarship Fund is operated by the CRCA to pay tribute to the late Bill Mason - a famous Canadian canoeist, author. filmmaker, and painter of the outdoors. A $1,000 scholarship is awarded each year.

Paddling Information: The CRCA has the most extensive collection of information in the world on canoeing, kayaking and sea kayaking in Canada (books, maps, videos, instructional manuals, route guides, etc.). Call for your "Paddling Catalogue".

Environmental/Paddling Programs: The CRCA operates the annual Canadian Canoe Route Environmental Clean Up Project (CCRECUP) which is kicked off each Environment Week, June lst, and runs until September 30th. Over 15,000 people a year help to eliminate garbage and debris that blight our wilderness legacy. Special thanks to Scott Canoe for their continuing sponsorship support. Free garbage bags are available.

U2 Can Canoe: National Let's Go Paddling Week (week 4 of May each year), is also operated by the CRCA to involve new paddlers. Operated in conjunction with outdoor stores, canoe clubs, manufacturers and individual paddlers - participants log their kilometres during the week to "Paddle Across Canada". Contact the CRCA to obtain a free Volunteer Organizer Handbook and Log Sheet.

Canada's Canoe Adventures: Canada's Canoe Adventures provide both experienced and inexperienced outdoor enthusiasts with reasonably priced canoe, kayak and sea kayak trips, from the Arctic Circle to Algonquin Park. Proceeds raised from the trips are used bv the Association for the preservation of Canada's water resources. A colour brochure is available upon request.

Waterwalker Film Festival: Hosted every two years, the Festival came together after the death of Bill Mason- to continue his vision. Through the productions shown at the Festival and during the National Tour, the CRCA helps to raise public awareness and support for wilderness preservation by celebrating paddling films from around the world. The next Waterwalker Film Festival begins in February 1997 and a National Tour featuring the best productions will follow from March through June. Call the CRCA for information about hosting a local Waterwalker evening.

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