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Cottonwood House: 1888

Customer Number Last Name First Name Company Date mm/dd/yyyy Item Cost Per Unit Number Bought (lbs, or per item) Total Type (DR/CR) Page in Ledger Notes
83 Sinn Ah   04/11/1888 timothy hay 0.035 355 12.425 DR 378 Nam or Ah Sinn
83 Sinn Ah   04/11/1888 supper, self & 2 teamsters 0.75 3 2.25 DR 378 Nam or Ah Sinn
C.B. 82       04/11/1888 no cash sales     0   378  
83 Sinn Ah   04/12/1888 1 bed, 3 breakfasts, self & 2 teamsters     2.75 DR 378 Nam or Ah Sinn
  Cunnerius Mr. Frank   04/12/1888 supper last evening 0.75 1 0.75 CR 378 cash paid
  Cunnerius Mr. Frank   04/12/1888 bed & breakfast this morning     1.25 CR 378 cash paid
  Johnston Mr.   04/12/1888 supper, bed & breakfast, last evening, this a.m.     2 CR 378 cash paid
83 Sinn Ah   04/12/1888 by cash on account     20 CR 378 Nam or Ah Sinn
  Sinn Nam   04/12/1888 cash from Nam Sinn being interest on pro note, principal being paid a short time ago     2 CR 378  
321 Locke Mr. Alexander   04/12/1888 2 horses fed hay with care & attention since evening of March 31st till this morning, 11 days 2.5 11 27.5 DR 378  
101 Tate J.R. B.C. Ex. Co. 04/12/1888 dinner 0.5 1 0.5 DR 378  
  Tate J.R.   04/12/1888 plugs tobacco 1 0.5 0.5 CR 378 cash paid
C.B. 82       04/12/1888 cash from sales     26.25 CR 378  
C.B. 82       04/13/1888 no cash sales     0   379  
C.B 83       04/14/1888 see notes     2   379 cash sent in registered letter by mail today, a $2 note on Dominion of Canada No. C 139783 to W.H. Steves, Lulu Island B.C. for seeds
246 & C.B. 83       04/14/1888 see notes     200   379 cash sent by B.C. Ex. Co. Today in letter to Mr. A. Carrson by letter dated 11th (for #'s of notes, see book)
101 Tate J.R. B.C. Ex. Co. 04/14/1888 dinner 0.5 1 0.5 DR 379  
C.B 82       04/14/1888 no cash sales     0   379  
328 Fong Ah   04/15/1888 by one month's work 35 1 35 CR 379 No. 1 -China cook
329     Bank of B.C. -Victoria B.C. 04/15/1888 by amount of cheque F 70910     7.5 CR 379 drawn in favor of Miss J. Barlow dated 13th & sent by mail yesterday to Victoria B.C.
memo       04/15/1888 see notes     0   379 today is the anniversary of the birth of our dear daughter, Ida Grace born at Cold Spring House April 15th/75 & died at Victoria B.C. January 30th/85 -John & Janet Boyd

Interesting Events of Year 1888

  • Apr. 15: (entry in book) today is the anniversary of the birth of our dear daughter Ida Grace, born at Cold Spring House April 15th/75, and died at Victoria, B.C. on Jan. 30th/85 -John & Janet Boyd
  • Apr. 25: Henry Thomas Boyd shot his first duck yesterday morning and second this evening
  • Aprl. 25: John Boyd left here for Stanley to attend the business of the Trelaise Estate, and last evening at Stanley, sold the Hotel and stable and fixtures to Mr. William Ellis for $200 (the hotel was sold in 1886, so, maybe it was sold to Trelaise first, then to Ellis)
  • May 2: 2 men and team of horses working to save the Cottonwood Bridge if possible
  • May 6: Henry Thomas Boyd's birthday, he is now 11 years old
  • May 24: (entry in book) being the anniversary of the birthday of Queen Victoria, Quenn of Great Britain & Ireland & Empress of India 

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