In its time Coldspring was renowned for its meals, a sure draw for travellers.

Cold Spring House: 1869

Customer Number Last Name First Name Company Date mm/dd/yy Item Cost Per Unit Number/Amount Total Type (DR/CR) Page in Ledger Notes
52 Beedy     01/01/1869 timothy hay 0.045 132 5.94 DR 154 & Lindhard by Grant
40 McPhail Angus   01/01/1869 cash paid Angus McPhail wages due Dec. 29/68 60 1 60 DR 154 says a 46 at the beginning of this entry
69 Boyd John   01/01/1869 cash     1.5 DR 154  
*46       01/01/1869 cash from sales     6 CR 154  
73 Willard Ralph   01/02/1869 plugs tobacco 1 0.5 0.5 DR 154  
61 Shaw R. L.   01/02/1869 drinks 0.25 3 0.75 DR 154  
61 Shaw R. L.   01/02/1869 timothy hay 0.045 170 7.65 DR 154  
46     ? Pearson Bros. 01/02/1869 timothy hay 0.04 175 7 DR 154  
46     ? Pearson Bros. 01/02/1869 meals supper 1.5 3 4.5 DR 154  
46     ? Pearson Bros. 01/02/1869 timothy 0.04 185 7.4 DR 154  
*46       01/02/1869 cash from sales     17.5 CR 154  
46     ? Pearson Bros. 01/03/1869 beds 0.5 3 1.5 DR 155  
46     ? Pearson Bros. 01/03/1869 meals breakfast 1.5 3 4.5 DR 155  
*46       01/03/1869 cash from sales     20.25 CR 155  
73 Willard Ralph   01/04/1869 plugs tobacco 1 1 1 DR 155  
15 Bohannan Mr. Richard   01/04/1869 dinner & supper for four men     12 DR 155 by teamsters
61 Shaw R. L.   01/04/1869 meal supper 1.5 1 1.5 DR 155  
        01/04/1869 cash from sales     0   155 no $ amount for this
15 Bohannan Mr. Richard   01/05/1869 meals breakfast 1.5 4 6 DR 155 by teamsters
61 Shaw R. L.   01/05/1869 bed & breakfast     2 DR 155  
72 Hamilton John   01/05/1869 by cash in full     4.35 CR 155  
        01/05/1869 cash from sales & c     8.75 CR 155  
*47       01/06/1869 no cash sales     0   155  
73 Willard Ralph   01/07/1869 pair moccasins 3 1 3 DR 155  
*47       01/07/1869 cash from sales     3.75 CR 155  

Interesting Events of Year 1869

  • Aug. 13: cash gained in gold dust: $11.75
  • Oct. 24: sometime during this year Mr. hill dies; entry in ledger: cash expenses for man and horse going and coming from Williams Creek on account of Mr. Hill, deceased
  • Oct. 26: regarding the above event; Ralph Williard and team carry the body of Mr. Hill to Williams Creek
  • Dec. 2: Boyd attends the Christening of a child (don't know which child), and a donation to the Church of $15

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