Newfoundland in a Flash
The Viking Saga
The Vikings
John Cabot
"Have a seat children, let me tell you a story of a great adventure."

"One thousand years ago, in the small community of what is now L'Anse aux
Meadows, on the northern tip of Newfoundland."

"We hardy adventurers were truly the first Europeans to discover North America."

"We Vikings stood strong on our new-found-land. Myself and my rugged crew were the first to settle in the new land."

"L'Anse aux Meadows was chosen as a settlement for its ample salmon,
abundant grazing ground, iron, and plentiful timber."

"Myself and my crew built seven large houses on this land which we called
Vinland the good."

"We fierce warriors and adventurers stayed in Vinland for one year before
leading to explore new lands."

"My ardent account of "Vinland the Good" led other brave adventurers to
visit this great new land."

"Thorfinn Karsefni, from Skragafjord led a large expedition to the site."

"These 65 men and 5 women took livestock and supplies to set up a permanent settlement in the area."

"Thorfinn and his wife Gudridur gave birth to Snorri, the first European to
be born in North America."

"Thorfinn and his family eventually traveled back to Iceland to settle in

"Today's visitors can see where once we lived and savor what life was truly
like for us by visiting restored Viking establishments and interacting with
Norse actors who gladly tell tall tales of a millennium long ago."

"Visitors to L'Anse aux Meadows can also have a boat tour on a replica
Viking ship of the coves and eddies where once the Vikings sailed on their

"This truly remarkable discovery is one of the most significant findings in
North American history. One that predated Columbus by 500 years."

"Thanks to Helge Ingstad, his interpretation of the Icelandic Sagas and his
tireless search, we now have gained significant insight into the 1000 years
of history in Newfoundland and Labrador."

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