Family Tree - A Letter Home - Meet the Roeddes - Memoir Bag - Learning to Marble - Family Time

Create your own Marbled Paper

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Learning to Marble section)

Materials Needed:

Marbling Activity Image Enamel or acrylic paint (2-4 colours)

Shallow pan (or several)

Paper (approximately 22 x 30 cm)


Turpentine or cleanser for cleanup

Tongue depressors

Old shirts or paint smocks to cover school clothes

Lots of drying room

Activity Description:

1) Cover you and your friend's good clothes.

2) Cover a table with newspapers.

3) Put about an 3 cm of water in a shallow pan.

4) Gather at least two small cans of enamel or acrylic paint; stir the paint thoroughly so the oil is well mixed with the paint.

5) Put a few drops of the first colour into the water pan (a tongue depressor works well); some paint will sink but most will float. Why do you think it floats?

6) Drop in a second colour and a third, if available. Some paint will move on the water surface to create interesting pattern. If you move a clean tongue depressor or pencil SLOWLY through the water, you can create other patterns.

7) Lay a 22 x 30 cm of paper on the surface of the water. (Try to avoid trapping air.) Immediately take it out and lay it face up, on a newspaper.

8) You can move the tongue depressor through the water again and then try a second piece of paper. Note that the result will be lighter because there is less paint on the surface of the water.

9) If the next person to marble wants to start fresh, use a piece of newspaper to sweep all the leftover paint off the surface.

10) Start fresh with new drops of paint.

* Note: Enamel paint takes a very long time to dry and does not come off clothes or fingers easily. (A good cleanser or turpentine cleans hands.) Be sure papers are allowed to dry completely.

11) When you have finished marbling, clean the tray with newspapers. Pour any water with paint residue into a can and dispose of it properly. Any paint residue can be cleaned with cleanser or turpentine.

12) The next day when marbled papers are completely dry, you can cut designs out of them (hearts, stars, etc.), or you could cut them to size and glue them into your family scrap books as proper end papers (just inside the front and back covers).

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