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Front Hall - Parlour
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Den - Activities

A Roedde Family Treasure

As a bookbinder, Gustav Roedde Sr. was skilled in the ancient techniques of marbling. Marbling is the process of colouring the sides, edges, and end papers of a book with a decorative pattern that looks like marble. During the marbling process, the colours chosen to create the illusion of marble are arranged on the surface of a liquid. The parts of the book to be marbled are then pressed against the colours. Gustav Roedde's abilities are exemplified in the leatherbound marbled secretary box on display at Roedde House.

leatherbound marbled secretary box
The secretary box, also called a lap desk, was the laptop computer of the 19th and early 20th centuries. If you had one, you were free to leave your desk or table and write or draw wherever you wished. Stationery supplies, like pencils, pens, inks and papers, were stored inside the secretary box. The covers of the box itself served as the writing surface. This secretary box was donated to Roedde House's collection by Gustav Roedde's great granddaughter.

That secretary box is so beautiful, words fail me. Hmmm...
maybe words fail me because my descriptive vocabulary isn't quite as wide as it could be. Well, I know a good activity that should help me change that! Come on!

to the activity, Colourful Words

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