This site will provide you with audio files, artwork, photographs, newspaper articles and other text documents about the sport of rowing and the impact it has had on the community of Renforth. The navigational bar at the top of your screen provides links to unlimited learning possibilities.

The Stories section has been divided into three sections, 1849-1875, 1875-1971, and 1971-2001. Each section tells the stories of local rowers from the Saint John and surrounding areas such as the Paris Crew, Hilton Belyea, and the many recent oarsmen and women who have found success through their training on the unpredictable Kennebecasis River. On the individual pages of this section there are side navigational bars. These bars provide "Specific Links" for the time period you are reading about.

The Galleries section has been divided into three different archives - Images, Audio-Visual, and a Newspaper Archive. They are easy to navigate and are arranged chronologically with links to the different time periods.

The Education section has been designed for Elementary School teachers to use in their classrooms. It contains activities, information packages, and "mini movies" that have all been designed for the Grade 3 to Grade 5 range. Some of the content may be suitable for younger students as well, but that is a decision for the individual teacher.

Rowing in Saint John, New Brunswick, and its surrounding area, began with fishermen and other locals, who rowed against each other for small sums of money, but mainly for pride. In 1867 four local boys became instant national heroes and united the city with one forty-two and a half foot boat.

There are many accounts of people dying on the Kennebecasis River. So why, you may ask, did the community of Renforth decide to name itself after one of the river's victims in particular?

That story, and many more, can be found in our Stories section. Or, you can read newspaper articles from the different time periods, which are found in the Galleries section, and write your own version of the story.

It was our intention to create a web site that documented the history of rowing in this area while making it nationally and internationally interesting as well. We hope that it proves helpful for your purposes or at least provides you with something to think about.

Please feel free to contact us through the Feedback section. See you on the water!

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The Beginning of a Legacy










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