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History of Sable An Island of Sand
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Ship wrecked in the island sand
Graveyard of the Atlantic
For many sailors, this sandy island hidden by waves, storms and fog meant death and destruction. Since 1583 there have been over 350 recorded shipwrecks on Sable Island.

East lighthouse

Courage and Skill
Public concern about the fate of shipwreck victims on Sable Island led to the first lifesaving station in 1801. This "Humane Establishment" was active on the island until 1958. Many shipwreck victims owed their lives to the skill and courage of the lifesaving crew.


Trixie BoutilierAn Island Home
Hello, I am Trixie Bouteilliers. I grew up on Sable. My father was superintendent of the lifesaving station from 1885 to 1912. I was only 5 years old when we came. I'd like to tell you what it was like to live there.


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Graveyard of the Atlantic
Courage and Skill
An Island Home

Canada's Digital Collections
Contracting Partners:
The Sable Island Preservation Trust
Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History