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History of Sable An Island of Sand
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Sand flowing

An Island of Sand

Sand flowing, blowing in waves and wind. Storms pound and shape, give and take, and Sable survives.

Surviving sand and wind

Despite harsh conditions, Sable island is not barren. It offers several kinds of habitats (homes) for living things. Physical conditions in each habitat limit which plants and animals can survive and breed there. Special adaptations are important.

Sable Island Horse

Free as the wind

How horses came to the island, surviving on Sable, what kind of horse, horses and humans


Alone in the Atlantic

300 km separate Sable Island from the nearest land. How do plants and animals get there? Are they truly isolated from others of their kind?


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An Island of Sand
Survivng Sand and Wind
Free as the Wind
Alone in the Atlantic

Canada's Digital Collections
Contracting Partners:
The Sable Island Preservation Trust
Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History