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Saskatchewan Indian Articles - 1987

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Summer/Special Edition
Meech Lake Accord Is Unacceptable - FSIN
Background to the Constitutional Talks
How Others Viewed the Talks
Canadians in Support of Aboriginal Self-Government
The FMC's: What Was Offered?
Federal Law Review Needed To Update Legislation Affecting Indians
FSIN Calls For Commission Of Enquiry Into Administration Of The Treaties
Treaty Tax Exemption Must Be Addressed: Growing Debt Crisis

Education Cutbacks Callous Mistreatment
Agreement Near In Tax Issue
Cutbacks Hit Hard On Post Secondary Students
College Library Has International Reputation
Sweetgrass: Negotiator And Patriot
Introducing The Saskatchewan Indian Media Corporation

Free Trade And The Indian Nations
Background On The Media Corporation
Queen Elizabeth And Prince Philip Visit Historic Wanuskewin
John Smith Band Signs AFA Funding Agreement
Kiwaytinok Elementary School Officially Opens
Waweyeykisik (Roundsky) Educational Centre Opens
Proposed Trappers Organization Will Protect Treaty Interests
Kakikekaskakowew (Kee-A-Kee-Kasacoo-Way): "He Forever War Whoops"
Cultural Centre Staff Receive Honourable Mention