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Thanks to:


Our teams:

Phase III - 2003
  • Kona Hyggen,
    Project Manager
  • Allery Carrier,
    Multimedia Technician
  • Barry Shingoose,
    Multimedia Technician
  • Eugene Brabant,
    Multimedia Technician
  • Janet Lucas,
    Multimedia Technician
  • Lynn Billette,
    Multimedia Technician
  • Naomi Thunderchild-Bird,
    Multimedia Technician
Phase II - 2002
  • Allery Carrier,
    Project Manager
  • Leighanne Gardipy,
    Multimedia Technician
  • Marc LongJohn,
    Multimedia Technician
  • Tyrone Smallchild,
    Multimedia Technician
Phase I - 1998
  • Duane Turner,
    Project Manager
  • Belinda Daniels,
    Multimedia Assistant
  • Linda Opwam,
    Multimedia Assistant
  • Kim Turner,
    Multimedia Assistant


NOTE: The magazine articles have been transcribed from the originals, with an emphasis on ensuring accuracy of the content. In keeping with this, all errors (whether typographical, punctuation, spelling, or run-on-sentences) which occurred in the original published article were retained for this electronic version.

Taken from the Saskatchewan Indian, Summer 2003, Volume 34 #1:

Saskatchewan Indian is the official publication of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations and is intended to serve as an effective communication vehicle for the First Nation in the province of Saskatchewan.

The tradition of the Saskatchewan Indian magazine is to provide coverage of people, issues and events both entertaining and informative throughout First Nation communities. In order to keep with the tradition of the magazine we invite submissions. There is such an overwhelming number of First Nations community events and happenings that we are unable to cover them all. Therefore, we invite stories, photographs, artwork and letters from our readers.

Saskatchewan Indian provides an opportunity for advertisers to reach the First Nation consumer. The magazine is distributed to all First Nation communities in Saskatchewan and to all First Nation groups, organizations and institutions. For more information contact:

Saskatchewan Indian
Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations
Suite #200 - 103A Packham Ave
Saskatoon, SK   S7K 4K4

Telephone: (306) 665-1215
Fax: (306) 665-0115

The views and opinions expressed by contributors to Saskatchewan Indian are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Saskatchewan Indian or the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations.

Saskatchewan Indian is published by the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations.

Bonnie Leask, Managing Editor, FSIN (306) 956-1012, email: bonnie.leask@fsin.com
For advertising information: Bonnie Leask (306) 956-1012 or DHS Publishing (306) 652-5086
Layout and Design: Pamela Whitecalf
Contributors: Bonnie Leask, Melissa Cote, Marlene Lumberjack, Blair McDaid, Eldon Henderson and Dustin Francis
Printed in Saskatchewan by Four Directions Printing Inc. (306) 721-1874
Produced by DHS Publishing Inc. (306) 652-5086

Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. ISSN 0048-9204.


Please send questions or comments to the Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Centre, info@sicc.sk.ca.