Art Ed. in Context

Art Ed. in Context

Pedagogical Approach

Pedagogical Approach

Theory to Practice

Current Section

Artist as Teacher

Artist as Teacher


Art Class at Baron Byng High School, n.d.

At Baron Byng High School, Anne's students were mostly girls. Boys were supposed to take classes in mechanical drawing, but some of the more interested boys found their way to the art room where they were welcomed and given special projects.

A former Dean of Concordia's Faculty of Fine Arts was one of the boys taught by Savage. In 1967, Alfred Pinsky recalled in an interview given to Arthur Calvin; "She didn't try to tie us down,. The girls might be doing decorative things for something, but she never tried to get us to do it. We were boys, we didn't feel that decoration was for us, so we did other things."

Anne Savage teaching the boys, n.d.
