
[Examine Your Fingerprint]

Your fingerprint is the pattern that the grooves in your skin make at the tips of your fingers. Fingerprints are very useful for identifying people since no two people in the entire world have the same fingerprint (that's a lot of different patterns!). You can easily examine your own fingerprint.


  1. Dip your finger into the ink.
  2. Press your finger onto a piece of paper.

You can compare your fingerprints from different fingers. You can also compare your fingerprints to those of your friends. Police investigations often make use of fingerprinting. Police officers can compare fingerprints left at the scene of a crime with the fingerprints of a suspect to see who was at the place where the crime happened.


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Produced by Galactics.
Comments: galactics@spacesim.org.
Last updated on 14 August 1998.