[Computer Science]

[Internet Tour]

This project idea comes to you from SCI-FI Engineering Summer Science Camps in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

[SCI-FI Engineering Summer Science Camps]
To introduce yourself to the Internet through learning to use the World Wide Web.

The idea of the Internet was conceived in the 1960's and was explored and extended by people working in the computer research program at DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). Since you could only transfer information very slowly, though, people using the Internet were mostly doing things like transferring files or sending messages. But as modems and connection became faster, and it became easier to transfer files or even pictures, the World Wide Web became a possibility.

The World Wide Web was begun by a man named Tim Berners-Lee working at CERN (the European Laboratory for Particle Physics). In 1980, he first wrote a notebook program that allowed links to be made between different parts of a document. Ten years later, he began working on a global hypertext system and chose "World Wide Web" as a name for the project. Some of his other choices were "Information Mesh", "Mine of Information", and "Information Mine". Since then, the Web has become one of the most frequently used and noticed section of the Internet.

This project will allow you to explore the World Wide Web by leading you through an online Internet Tour.


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Produced by Galactics.
Comments: galactics@spacesim.org.
Last updated on 14 August 1998.