[Computer Science]

[LEGO dacta]


Basic Commands for Programming:

talkto "motora prepares a pathway to the device attached to output port c
talkto [motora sounde lampc] prepares multiple pathways to different devices
on turns the device that was "talked to" on
onfor 25 turns something on for a specific amount of time
wait 25 makes the computer pause for indicated time
rd reverses the direction of the motor
off turns the last device "talked to" off
ao turns everything that is running off
cc clears the command box of all commands
setpower 4 sets the power of the motor (scale 1 to 8)
show temp2 shows current value of the temperature input
waitunitl [angle6 > 45] makes computer pause until the condition is true
if angle6 > 45 [command to execute] will only execute the command if the condition is true
repeat 5 [ ] will repeat the command in brackets 5 times
forever [ ] will repeat the command in brackets forever

NOTE: All time measurements are in tenths of a second. It doesn't matter if you use capitals or lower case letters when you're programming with LEGO dacta.


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Produced by Galactics.
Comments: galactics@spacesim.org.
Last updated on 14 August 1998.