[Computer Science]

[LEGO dacta][- Shad Valley Design Challenge]

Problem Statement:

An ice cream company packages ice cream for delivery to local stores and for shipment to distant stores. Local packages have an ice cream decal on them and distant packages have a black shipment arrow. Both types of packages come down the packing line and must be placed on the appropriate shipping bin on the other side of the chute. The packages are bulky and difficult to move by hand.

Design Brief:

[Camper showing off a LEGO creation] Design and build a robot that will pick up the packages and place them into the appropriate bins. Write 2 programs that run for each sorting system.

The robot system design must include:

The program you design for each of the specific packages can contain the commands found on the LEGO DACTA COMMAND SHEET. Additional commands can be looked up under the Help -> Primitives menu.


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Produced by Galactics.
Comments: galactics@spacesim.org.
Last updated on 14 August 1998.